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For sale in a sentence

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Sentence count:237+6Posted:2016-07-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: purchasableSimilar words: salesaleson saleor soanniversaryfor sureat worstconversationMeaning: adj. available for purchase. 
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(91) But he quashed rumours that the Red Fort had been quietly put up for sale due to his financial difficulties.
(92) There was a "For Sale" sign on the front lawn.
(93) It is splitting the flagship, four-star Forum Hotel from the chain and offering the two for sale separately.
(94) But they had to be humoured before they could be diverted from the unobtainable to the treasure that was actually for sale.
(95) Lincoln went into receivership and was put up for sale on 4 February, 1922.
(96) Up for sale are both its meteorological satellites and the Landsat craft that carry out land surveys of the globe.
(97) Workers have become expendable parts for sale in the ordinary course of commerce.
(98) Its new Web site offers one thousand items for sale, mostly targeted towards the Christmas gift market.
(99) They tell the story of a life lived in the public eye, but now 45 are up for sale.
(100) Because it was sound sense to do so, they looked at other properties for sale.
(101) The first houses are being offered for sale at between £32,500 and £48,000.
(102) There are millions of goods for sale in thousands of categories across hundreds of online auctions.
(103) In short, was the Kohl government, which held power for 16 consecutive years(, up for sale?
(104) But the gift shop is the real reason to stop, with all sorts of condiments, spices and cookbooks for sale.
(105) Weaver said Tuesday night while sipping wine and brandishing various medieval weapons for sale in his little shop of horrors.
(106) The sheets are reported to have turned up inside a frame offered for sale in a provincial Sunday flea market outside Paris.
(107) Nor do you see these Easton Press leather editions for sale in bookstores.
(108) Combe Sydenham country park has beautiful walks and tasty trout for sale whilst Stogursey boasts a moated ruined castle and Norman church.
(108) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(109) Each house for sale is conveniently listed by location and price.
(110) A good estate agent will know the best ways to publicize the fact that your home is for sale.
(111) Any contracts won on an exclusive basis could affect the price at which it is offered for sale.
(112) Read in studio One of Britain's oldest asylums is for sale.
(113) Lunch consisted of bread and cheese, neither of which Charlie would have dared to offer for sale to Mrs Smelley.
(114) The single-minded mission of commercial television today is to produce audiences for sale to advertisers of consumer goods and services.
(115) His longtime sailboat, named Apogee in honor of his lunar Apollo flight, is for sale.
(116) Thieves could evade an efficient system by taking stolen cattle to another district for sale.
(117) A small lodge house that used to be some sort of appendage of Burnage Court is currently for sale through Hamptons.
(118) The antiquities for sale have come from private collections in London and New York, from auction rooms and the trade.
(119) Clarets are aged in stainless steel vats or oak casks, and are bottled only when they are considered ready for sale.
(120) The best way of displaying books for sale is to put them on bookshelves.
More similar words: salesaleson saleor soanniversaryfor sureat worstconversationendorsesaladsalmonvassalsalaryout of doorspaletalemalewhalescalefemaledealertalentedcalendarequivalentPalestinianon a large scale
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